Icy Nature

This morning I went outside to capture the icyness of nature on a winters morning.


This photo is pretty amazing by the way the drops of water have stayed on the grass and then frozen to it when the temperature fell.


I like the long grass as it’s foreground is focused and the background blurred.

These are some other photos.


ice into the sun


Patterns In Puddles

On this cold wintry morning mum and I set out to capture the icy scenery around us before it melted away.

Mini icicles covering everything, opaque patterns in the frozen puddles.



This photo stands out to me, it’s detail is so unique, the fine lines and circles the ice has made where the water has frozen over.


Little Robin

This morning mum and I went out on a mission to photograph a robin.

It doesn’t seem difficult but it is, robins are so fast, they flit and fly from branch to branch, making it really hard to photograph them.

Robins are usually friendly birds and most of the time they are inquisitive towards people.  Round here in the countryside Robins are a common sight.

From what I have experienced today I learnt that being patient is the key to a good photo and it doesn’t always look how you want it to.


I have tweaked this photo by filtering it and zooming in a bit, and now it looks pretty good.

Even though I got a really good photo I am going to try to get a close up.  I am going to set up a hide, put some meal worms out and wait………. patiently!

Silhouetted In The Cold

Today I went outside to take some photos of the trees, looking at them with a different perspective. What I wanted to do was capture the sun behind the tree making the tree look silhouetted.

The sun lights up the darkness through a mighty Oak.



I like this photo because of the swirl in the branches and how I have captured that.




I was trying to photograph the crow sitting in a tree so when it flew off I photographed it in flight.

One of my favourite autumn berries to eat are rosehips, they are also great to take photos of.


I think this photo is a great example of proportion, a bit of sky and lots of tree, just what looks right.


In this photo I experimented on filtering it to make the background pink and purple and a black tangled foreground.

Pheasants at Sunrise

Thanks to Ray the game keeper for bringing us a load of pheasants.  I got up early the next morning to learn how to butcher them.

Up at 7:30am learning butchery

Testing Out My New Light Box

A feather so lovely

Today for the first time I tried out my new light box, I really like it and it’s increasingly helpful.

A light Box is sometimes used by big companies to photograph the products they advertise and also for food photography.  A lightbox has a bright light that shines over the whole box evenly.

I have experimented with different objects to see which ones look best and next time I am going to photograph flowers.

These are the photos I took this morning.

My knitting
A orange feather is a rare sight


Autumn Photography

Silhouetted in the sun

I took this photo into the sun.  It had a surprisingly big effect on the way the light shines through the spiders legs.

I like this photo because of how clear the reflection is.

It was good there was no wind otherwise the water would of been ripply and the reflection would have been ruined.

archway through the trees

I took this photo looking through an archway of trees at a plant that looked like dusters on long green stalks.

Those were my favourites but here are some of the other photos I took.

Super cool

I like this one because of its dramatic background and also the way the cobweb shows up.


Yesterday I got my new teleconverter and  adapter.  I didn’t have much time to try it out then, but this morning I went to the garden to test it and the result is pretty good, this is a photo I took .

I didn’t filter this photo because I like the way it brings out the colour and detail on its own.

Set between the camera and photographic lense the teleconverter is for enlarging the central part of a photo.

This morning I went into the field round the back of our van to take some pictures, of the log pile this is my best one.



I like this photo because of all of the colours I think it’s quite strange for a log to be so colourful so I’m very proud of myself for finding it.

I made it a bit brighter using a filter which brought out the colours so I can’t take full credit for it.


Lay A Little Egg For Me…

We’d like to say a big thank you to our neighbours (The Murrays) for giving us their first three eggs from their chicken Ginger as a present. We had them for our breakfast today and they were delicious. Thank you guys!

Cooking away…
Yum, yum!

Best egg I have eaten in forever! Hehe.
Looks like Irys is enjoying her’s too.
Thank you Ginger


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