Little Robin

This morning mum and I went out on a mission to photograph a robin.

It doesn’t seem difficult but it is, robins are so fast, they flit and fly from branch to branch, making it really hard to photograph them.

Robins are usually friendly birds and most of the time they are inquisitive towards people.  Round here in the countryside Robins are a common sight.

From what I have experienced today I learnt that being patient is the key to a good photo and it doesn’t always look how you want it to.


I have tweaked this photo by filtering it and zooming in a bit, and now it looks pretty good.

Even though I got a really good photo I am going to try to get a close up.  I am going to set up a hide, put some meal worms out and wait………. patiently!

4 thoughts on “Little Robin

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  1. Ooh, thank you Irys! That’s a gorgeous picture and I’m glad you’re experimenting with filters. I love robins – they’re always around when I’m gardening waiting for me to dig up worms. But they don’t hide – they sing and whistle and sometimes fly very near, just to make sure I know they’re there. We brought a cat home from the Cats’ Protection place today. He’s a handsome 6 year old ginger tom called Champers, because of his colour. He’s been here about an hour now and is hiding behind a cupboard in the conservatory. David’s worried about him, but I’m sure he’ll come out when he’s hungry. It’s so gloomy today – 10 past 3 and starting to get dark. I’m going to spend the afternoon making Christmas cards (robins would be good!) and keeping an eye out for Champers in case he wants a cuddle! Love to all, Liz xxx

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  2. I know how you feel! I can’t count how many times I’ve waited for people to clear away so I can get a shot of some artwork or a space without any people in it! Glad you caught the Robin and look forward to seeing more!

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  3. I do like Robins, so unfortunately does Alfie!! We now have a space for a new one in our garden unfortunately. It’s a great pic Irys. It will be interesting to see what you can get with a hide xxx

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  4. Hi Irys robins are my real favourite . We have one in the garden and I like to watch.What a great picture. Hope we get to see some more soon. Well done xxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

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