Pheasants at Sunrise

Thanks to Ray the game keeper for bringing us a load of pheasants.  I got up early the next morning to learn how to butcher them.

Up at 7:30am learning butchery

3 thoughts on “Pheasants at Sunrise

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  1. How great to be given pheasants. Evan you look very professional learning butchery. Something else you have learnt great.Do you have any thoughts on how you will cook them?I’d be interested to hear. Keep up the good work xxxxx

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  2. Lucky you, having pheasant! I once shot a pigeon and h”d to dress it – can’t say I enjoyed it much, though it did taste lovely! One of the funniest books I ever read is “Danny Champion of the World” which features pheasants (by Roald Dahl). Do see if your library has it. Please tell Mum I will write soon – have been concentrating all my energy on weeding and pruning before it gets too cold. Love to all, Lizxxxx
    PS. I can’t get Evan’s blog because Yahoo won’t let me sign in – is there another way to see it?

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  3. Wow, that’s a great thing to learn. Taking the breasts out like that is much easier than having to pluck them! We had a gamekeeper who used to bring us pheasants when we were younger and we had to pluck them, not great! Hope you enjoy them xxx

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