Autumn Photography

Silhouetted in the sun

I took this photo into the sun.  It had a surprisingly big effect on the way the light shines through the spiders legs.

I like this photo because of how clear the reflection is.

It was good there was no wind otherwise the water would of been ripply and the reflection would have been ruined.

archway through the trees

I took this photo looking through an archway of trees at a plant that looked like dusters on long green stalks.

Those were my favourites but here are some of the other photos I took.

Super cool

I like this one because of its dramatic background and also the way the cobweb shows up.

3 thoughts on “Autumn Photography

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  1. Wonderful pictures! I was beginning to wonder where you had got to! Saw some gorgeous spiders’ webs the other day – lots of little ones with sparkling dew on them and sun shining. Wish I’d had my camera. Glad you’re enjoying the autumn. I always think the best thing is opening a conker – no-one has ever seen it before and the shine is extraordinary. Love to all, Liz xxx


  2. Great pictures Irys my favourite is the same as you the reflections. You are amazing with your photography.keep them coming xxxxx


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