White Ermine

First Day of work and we are gardening, mum’s gone to the loo, I’m outside and Gracie is in the polytunnel.  She calls me in, “Irys, come look at this.”  I go in, on the floor in front of me is a moth, it is lovely.  I pick it up and go to show Dad, Mum, Evan and the others.

It was a great find.

Dinner’s ready and we all pile into the house.  As I walk in mum’s pointing at a picture of a moth in my British Wildlife book, it was the one I saw this morning.  The book mum was holding said it was a White Ermine, how great.

This is the picture in my book

The White Ermine’s time of flight is May to July, they fly at night and are white with black dots on their back and they have a white furry head, a bit like a hat.

3 thoughts on “White Ermine

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  1. what a terrific find, and so good to be able to read about it in your book. Very good picture Irys.xxxxx


  2. That’s so pretty – I’ve never seen one of those. And it’s good that you found it in your book – nowadays people tend to look on the net for everything. Hope you’re all enjoying the gardening and the farm in general. Love, Liz


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